
The caffeine-free alternative to black or green tea: the infusion drink made from the twigs of the rooibos or redbush plant, which only grows in South Africa, is considered to be particularly mild and easily digestible.

All about rooibos

All about rooibos

Rooibos - an inconspicuous plant
with special characteristics

The rooibos plant is a small shrub that grows exclusively in the Suid Bokkeveld region of South Africa, where it was originally made into tea by the local Khoisan Bushmen. Dutch settlers copied this practice and began to cultivate the rooibos bush.
This rooibos or rooibos (German for red bush) is very idiosyncratic: the plant needs sandy soil and dry heat with cool nights in summer. In the colder seasons, the shrub must not receive too much rain, otherwise the three to four meter long roots will rot in the soil. Rooibos finds these exceptional conditions in the barren Cederberg Mountains, around 200 kilometers north of Cape Town. Or in almost identical sandy soils in this South African region on plantations where selected forms of Cederberg rooibos are cultivated. Attempts to grow and cultivate this "scrub" on other continents in similar mountain regions with comparable climates have failed.

The harvest is crushed
and left in the air to oxidize

During harvesting in South Africa, whole bunches of the delicate shoots covered with soft needles are cut off - even today often by hand with a sickle, because the bushes vary in height and the ground is uneven, even on the rooibos farms.
The processing is similar to that of black teas: the harvested crop is moistened with water, crushed and left in the air to oxidize, giving it its reddish-brown color. It is then gently dried. There are also unprocessed or less processed "green" rooibos varieties, which have a mild, grassy taste and tend more in the direction of green tea.

The global success of the desert shrub
began in the mid-90s

However, it took quite a while before rooibos began its worldwide triumphal march. It was only after the end of apartheid in the mid-1990s that international demand for the regional product rooibos tea increased. More than half of production is now exported, with Germany being one of the strongest sales markets.
The infusion drink with its earthy, nutty and slightly sweet taste is very popular here, especially as an alternative to black or green teas. Rooibos, which is often flavored with orange, vanilla or caramel, for example, contains neither caffeine nor tannins and is therefore considered to be particularly digestible. And: Rooibos is also ideal for cooking and baking, refines sauces, marinades, desserts or serves as a base for cocktails. You can find inspiration in our samova recipes.
At samova, green rooibos is used in our bestseller "Scuba Garden". The darker, oxidized variety is part of "Orange Safari" and "Karibu Sun".


Tea questions
Rooibos tea
The full-bodied, sweet natural aroma of rooibos is a good basis for other flavors, e.g. from fruits and flowers, such as orange (see our Orange Safari variety). Vanilla and caramel notes also harmonize excellently with rooibos.
Similar to green tea, it is not oxidized and tastes slightly tart and grassy - naturally without caffeine.
Rooibos, pronounced Roi-boss in two syllables, is the national Afrikaans name. "Rooi" means red and "bos" means bush. For this reason, it is quickly translated into German as Rotbusch or Roibusch, sometimes also Roibosch as a Dutch variant. The Dutch settlers in South Africa were the first to cultivate this plant. In English, the term "redbush tea" is used. Occasionally, the term "bush tea" is also used, which goes back to the history of the drink, as the Khoisan Bushmen were the first to dry and infuse rooibos.
In 2013, the South African Department of Trade and Industry issued precise rules for the use of the term Rooibos (and all international variations of the name). They protect the term. Accordingly, only products made from the Aspalathus linearis plant (scientific name for rooibos) may bear this name.
The inconspicuous desert bush needs certain climatic conditions and sandy soil in order to grow and thrive. These conditions can only be found in the Cedar Mountains, 200 km north of Cape Town. There, the bush must be around twelve to 18 months old before it can be harvested. Harvest time is from around December to April. After five years, the bushes are uprooted and new ones planted. Attempts to cultivate this unconventional plant on other continents with similar conditions have failed.
Strictly speaking, only drinks based on the tea plant are real teas. Rooibos is therefore an infusion drink. In Germany, however, it has become customary to refer to rooibos as tea. As with tea, rooibos is made by pouring hot water over dried leaves or twigs and parts of the plant and leaving to infuse.