Fruit tea

The classics are rosehip or apple tea. But there are also more sophisticated fruit teas: with pineapple cubes, goji berries, cranberry pieces or orange peel - there are virtually no limits to the variety. Fruit teas are caffeine-free and taste great hot or cold, or mixed with herbs, rooibos or black tea.

All about fruit tea

All about fruit tea

Fruit tea
- crushed fruit ingredients, great taste

Rosehip and apple tea are classics, while dried berries or orange peel are often used for blends. Most of the ingredients are cultivated or come from fruit growing. Only rose hips are still collected from the wild. The range of fruit tea creations with local or exotic fruit ingredients or fruit tea blends is now almost unmanageably large. As fruit teas are natural products, their quality is influenced by external factors such as climate, soil and weather. This is why the taste of a fruit tea of the same brand with the same recipe from the same growing region can vary slightly from one season to the next.

The same fruit tea can vary slightly in taste from season to season

Rosehip and apple tea are classics, while dried berries or orange peel are often used for blends. Most of the ingredients are cultivated or come from fruit growing. Only rose hips are still collected from the wild. The range of fruit tea creations with local or exotic fruit ingredients or fruit tea blends is now almost unmanageably large. As fruit teas are natural products, their quality is influenced by external factors such as climate, soil and weather. This is why the taste of a fruit tea of the same brand with the same recipe from the same growing region can vary slightly from one season to the next.

Sweet vegetables are also suitable for a fruit tea blend

At samova, sweet vegetables such as beet or carrot are also included in the fruit tea varieties, as they have a natural sweetness and pleasant, natural coloring. Our fruit tea range includes Maybe Baby, Digital Detox, Garden Party and Fruity Rooty.
High-quality fruit teas such as the samova varieties are also ideal as cold refreshing drinks and therefore form the perfect basis for iced tea recipes and tea cocktails.

Ausgeprägter Geschmack, beruhigende  oder sanft belebende Wirkung

Allen Kräuter-Aufgussgetränken ist gemeinsam, dass sie kein Koffein enthalten – mit Ausnahme von Mate-Tee, den wir hier deshalb auch gesondert behandeln. Kräutertees wirken meist eher beruhigend auf Verdauung, Herz und Hirn. Durch einen hohen Gehalt an ätherischen Ölen haben sie oft dennoch eine sanft belebende Wirkung – wie beispielsweise Minztees, die den Magen beruhigen, aber den Gaumen erfrischen. 
Dank ihres ausgeprägten Geschmacks sind viele Tee-Kräuter auch gut zum Mischen mit und Aromatisieren von »echten« Tees geeignet – chinesische grüne »Gunpowder«-Tees mit Marokkanischer Minze etwa sind ein Klassiker und in vielen nordafrikanischen Ländern ein Standard-Getränk.

Viele Kräuterpflanzen werden auch in Deutschland angebaut, vor allem in Franken und Thüringen. Andere wie etwa Griechische Bergtees oder Marokkanische Minze brauchen mehr Sonne und Wärme, um ihre typischen geschmacksgebenden Inhaltsstoffe auszubilden. Für einige Tees stammen die Zutaten auch aus Wildsammlungen, zum Beispiel Lindenblüten und Brennnesseln.

Während der Blüte ist das Aroma am stärksten

Der beste Ernte- oder Sammelzeitpunkt für Kräuter, die getrocknet werden sollen, ist kurz vor oder während der Blüte der jeweiligen Pflanze – dann erreichen die Aromastoffe die höchste Konzentration. Blätter, die frisch vom Strauch zubereitet werden sollen, etwa aus dem eigenen Garten, kann man schon früher pflücken, wenn sie noch ganz jung und weich sind. Sowohl frische als auch getrocknete Kräutertees werden mit kochendem Wasser aufgegossen und einige Minuten ziehen gelassen. Im Sortiment von samova finden sich jede Menge Kräutertees, darunter auch Mischungen von Grün- bzw. Schwarztee mit Kräutern.


Tea questions
Fruit tea
It is generally recommended to steep the fruit tea for six to ten minutes, depending on individual requirements. If it steeps for too short a time, it hardly tastes good. The longer the fruit tea steeps, the more intense the taste. But if it steeps too long, it can also become bitter. And: the longer a fruit tea with berries or hibiscus, for example, steeps, the more acidity is released. This can be unpleasant for people with a sensitive stomach. However, there are also special mild and alkaline fruit teas.
Yes, when brewing fruit tea cold (the so-called cold brew method), the fruit should be brewed cold with water and left to infuse for at least half a day before drinking. This allows the flavor to develop and the vitamins to be preserved. However, as fruit is a natural product, any bacteria or mold can only be eliminated by pouring boiling water over it. This is why really fresh and high-quality ingredients are suitable for a cold brewed fruit tea.
Iced tea is often prepared with quickly cooled black tea, which is then mixed or sweetened with lemon or peach juice. However, fruit tea is also ideal as an iced tea or chilled as a cocktail base. Here we recommend the recipes with our samova fruit tea specialties such as Maybe Baby, Garden Party or Heidi's Delight.
If you suffer from fructose intolerance, you should take a close look at the composition of the fruit tea in question. Depending on the amount of fruit/dried fruit used, fruit teas can contain significant amounts of fructose. Herbal teas that are not made from fruit, such as aniseed, fennel or caraway tea, do not contain fructose.
Stiftung Warentest and Öko-Test have repeatedly found chemical residues such as pesticides in fruit teas from conventional fruit cultivation. Only high-quality organic raw materials are used for samova fruit teas. To double-check, we have every ingredient in our tea and herbal collection tested for harmful substances by an independent German institute before it is used.